Site Details:
A henge at Nunwick visible both as a low bank and shallow internal ditch and as a cropmark. A berm was originally present between ditch and bank. Maximum external diameter is circa 210 metres. There are two opposed entrances visible on the north and south sides. Limited excavation was undertaken in 1961 by DP Dymond across the ditch and bank in the north-north-west sector. Within the ditch fill was a circular spread of burnt material including many split and reddened stones. However, no artefacts or any other dating evidence were recovered. The site is scheduled. Three worked flints, two waste flakes and a scraper, all now in Yorkshire Museum, were found in the ploughsoil in the field to the southwest. This monument is visile as cropmarks and low earthworks on historic and recent air photos and on lidar-derived images.
Images and text supplied by YAAMAPPINGSite Gallery
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