Category: Geophysics

Guide: Socratic Thought in Archaeology

An archaeologist standing puzzled in front of a new Oldsmobile car with a confused look on their face

Socratic thought in archaeology is a method of critical inquiry that challenges assumptions, promotes deeper exploration, and encourages rigorous reflection about the past. Based on the questioning techniques of the ancient Greek philosopher Socrates,

Guide: Magnetometry

A confused archaeologist sitting in a DeLorean with the Flux Capacitor glowing brightly

Magnetometry is one of the most widely used geophysical techniques in archaeology. It involves the measurement of the Earth’s magnetic field and detecting variations in magnetic properties caused by human activity.

Guide – Resistivity

A lone researcher stands atop a hill in the Yorkshire Dales

Introduction to Resistivity in Archaeology Resistivity is one of the primary geophysical methods used to explore archaeological sites. By measuring the electrical resistance of the soil, resistivity surveys can help identify buried features such as walls, ditches, and foundations, even if those features are not visible from the surface. This technique works on the principle …

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Guide – Hidden Remains

A lone researcher stands atop a hill in the Yorkshire Dales

Identification of features is simplified when the full extent of remains such as earthworks, can be easily seen. However, once the roof has gone, the walls perished or robbed, the interior burnt and the wreck left to perish for hundreds of years, the remainder flattened and used as a field for crops, the job of recognition is made all the more difficult.

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