Stories of Brigantia


Welcome to what, I hope, will become a series of articles exploring the ancient history and life of Brigantia.

This is a diversion from the kinds of articles this site usually has, and I feel the need to explain how they came about.

I use a psychological understanding of self, based on Internal Family Systems, which regards the individuals’ inner-world as a collection of personalities which can be communicated with to better understand themselves.

Part of the IFS process is to explore any unusual emotions that come up, to understand their source and meaning.

This morning, I was watching this lovely video about the wonderful news that English Heritage has bought the Northern Henge and Thornborough.

While watching the end of the video, the Northern Henge virtual tour, I felt some unusual emotions. Feelings of remorse, of angst, related to the Thornborough Henges. However, it did not feel like those feelings were related to my own personal history with Thornborough Henges, it felt deeper, and was actually quite uncomfortable.

I then started to explore those emotions, and eventually heard “It was there, that there was a falling out, and then the world fell apart”.

I found myself having a conversation with an aspect of my mind who was identifying as Vellocatus, telling me of a great gathering at Thornborough, during the Brigantian Iron Age period.

In the end, he dictated an article to me, which I found really interesting and potentially insightful, even if it’s fiction, it provides a level of detail that may well inform an understanding of Iron Age life.

So I’ve decided to publish these articles. I hope you enjoy them!

You can subscribe to a mailing list specifically for this series of articles. Your information won’t be passed on or used for any other purposes. I don’t know how often I will be publishing, or how many articles I will write.

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