Tag: britain

Chapter 7 – The Importance of Trade

What was so special about The Sacred Vale and Thornborough in particular, that meant this enormous monument complex had to be created? This is in no way a typical landscape for the time – nowhere else in Britain does a complex exist such as it does in The Sacred Vale.

Chapter 6 – The Other Monuments of the Sacred Vale

Except for the henge alignment at Thornborough, very little is known about the other monuments within the Sacred Vale.


Venutius was a notable figure in the 1st-century history of northern Britain, known primarily as the king of the Brigantes during the Roman conquest. The following text summarises what we can potentially understand about him, and tries to tie him to places and other possibilities that are not supported by the historical record. At the end of the section, what records to exist are explained.

Chapter 4 – The early development of The Sacred Vale

The story of the Sacred Vale begins to the best of our knowledge at Thornborough and starts in the early Neolithic period, from 4,000 BC to 3,000 BC.

Celtic Tribes

The Iron Age in Britain was a period of profound social transformation and cultural vibrancy, marked by the emergence of distinct tribal identities that would shape the island’s history for centuries to come.

Monmouth’s Kings of Britain

Geoffrey of Monmouth’s Kings of Britain includes a number of unknown potential kings, as well as some recognised as existing, including King Lear from Shakespeare.

Julius Caesar

Ask anyone to name a famous Roman character, and the name of Julius Caesar is sure to be the most popular answer. Although he failed twice to conquer Britain, he still became an icon of Rome. So how did this man manage to become a legend?

Cerialis Petillius

Quintus Petillius Cerialis Caesius Rufus was the son-in-law of Vespasian Cerialis and became Governor of Britain in AD.71; his instructions were plainly to move the conquest forward, and he brought with him a new legion, II Adiutrix, which had recently been recruited from members of the fleet at Ravenna.


In a series of annual military campaigns Agricola put down revolts in north Wales, subdued the Brigantes tribe in the north, extended Roman control over the Scottish lowlands, where he established a string of forts between the Forth and the Clyde, sent troops into Galloway, and made inroads into the eastern Highlands. During the latter campaign his vessels were the first to circumnavigate the islands.

Timeline 60BC – 138AD

This timeline is focussed on the British Celtic culture and those cultures which had influence on the British Celts. It is also more specifically focused on those activities which would have had an effect on the Brigantes tribe of Britain during the late British Iron Age.

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