Location: north-derbyshire

Mam Tor Hill Fort

Despite is unusually high position, this fort contains traces of a number of huts, and on investigation these have yielded plentiful pottery, as well as charcoal giving a surprisingly early radio carbon date

Castle Naze Hill Fort

This is a promontory fort of probable Iron Age date. It uses the natural cliffs of the hill that it stands to protect its northern and western sides. It is triangular in form, and to protect its south-eastern face, a very impressive double rampart of possibly later Iron Age construction has been thrown up.

Carl Wark Hill Fort

This is a hill fort of unproven origin, best thought to be Iron or Dark age in date. Bronze Age artifacts are also close by and show a long general occupation of the area. The primary purpose for this visit was to investigate the possibility that it was used by the Brigantes during the period of Cartimandua and, if so, to try to assess its role between 43 and 70 AD.

North Derbyshire

The transformation of North Derbyshire from 50AD to the present is a fascinating journey through time, reflecting broader historical shifts in Britain. Initially, during the Roman conquest of Britain, Derbyshire fell under the influence of the Roman Empire, becoming part of the province of Flavia Cæsariensis.

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