English names, Roman names where known, four figure map reference, site type, size, and history, including garrisons and associated military units.
Category: Reports
Sep 24
Guide – Archaeological Terms
Glossary of Archaeological Terms Acheulian Later stages of Lower Palaeolithic culture defined by their particularly fine hand axes. Aeolian Deposited by action of wind. Antonine Wall Built during the early 140s AD. Northernmost Roman wall in Great Britain marked the edge of the territory of Hadrian’s successor, Antonius Pius, Archaeomagnetic dating Dating method for fireplaces …
Sep 23
Brigantia votive inscriptions – Finds and Analysis
Votive inscriptions to the Goddess Brigantia have been found in the North of England using four names: Caelestis Brigantia, Nympha Brigantia, Brigantia Augusta, and Victoria Brigantia. In this report I review what is known about them, and how this knowledge can help us understand how the Romano-British viewed the Goddess.
Sep 23
Celtic Religion and Beliefs
Sep 22
Heads at St Michael, Kirklington
An analysis of head carvings in a local area In many churches throughout England there are carvings of possible pagan origin, others, whilst appearing to have been carved in a clearly Christian time, seem to recall pagan themes. This initial research report looks at one particular set of carvings at the Church of St Michael, …
Sep 22