Tag: military

Roman Military Sites in Scotland

English names, Roman names where known, four figure map reference, site type, size, and history, including garrisons and associated military units.

Roman Military Sites in Wales

English names, Roman names where known, four figure map reference, site type, size, and history, including garrisons and associated military units.

Roman Military sites in Central Britain

English names, Roman names where known, four figure map reference, site type, size, and history, including garrisons and associated military units.

Roman Sites in Southern Britain

English names, Roman names where known, four figure map reference, site type, size, and history, including garrisons and associated military units.

Antonine Wall Map

Roman References

Roman References  – Roman political background to the conquest of the Brigantes Maps of Roman forts covering  and  Britain, Wales and . Maps of , and Maps of and  Gaul.

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