Tag: celtic

Background – The Celts

The Celts (Greek ‘Keltoi’) were an Indo-European people originating in the Alps. Their first known territory was in Central Europe around 1200 BC in the upper Danube, the Alps and parts of France and southern Germany.

European Celtic Tribes

The Celtic Iron Age tribes of Gaul, known collectively as the Gauls, were not a single homogenous group but a vibrant mosaic of communities, each with its own customs, social structures, and political systems.

Celtic Tribes

The Iron Age in Britain was a period of profound social transformation and cultural vibrancy, marked by the emergence of distinct tribal identities that would shape the island’s history for centuries to come.

Flora and Fauna associated with Brighid

An introduction to the plant and animal life associated with the Goddess Brigantia.

Thoughts on Celtic Religion – Raimund, Karl

To begin with, lets first look at the sources available to us: There are quite numerous sources available, contrary to the usual belief that there is almost nothing actually there.

The Druids and Druidism

The religion of Druidism was unlike any other belief either Celtic or Roman. The Druids were considered to be enigmatic, mystical, magical – and resented. Originally they were a tribe in Gaul, and gradually developed over the years to become wanderers in Celtic society.

Celtic Religion and Beliefs

The Iron Age Celts, who flourished from around 700 BCE to 400 CE, held a polytheistic belief system with a pantheon of gods and goddesses. They believed in the sanctity of the natural world, with certain landscapes such as groves, springs, and river sources being considered sacred.

Timeline 60BC – 138AD

This timeline is focussed on the British Celtic culture and those cultures which had influence on the British Celts. It is also more specifically focused on those activities which would have had an effect on the Brigantes tribe of Britain during the late British Iron Age.

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