The inspiration for this work came from the author Rosemary Sutcliff and her book ‘The Eagle of the Ninth’ which she wrote in 1954. Although a fictional book it was based on a fact believed in at that time. In the 1990’s many people still refer to the Ninth as the ‘Lost Legion’; this response has caused me to question whether a legion had been lost in Roman Britain.
Period: Roman
Sep 24
Roman References
Sep 24
Celts through Roman Eyes
Sep 24
History of the Celts
The Celtic Tradition History Of The Celts The Celts Part I: Their Origins & Pre-History by Nick Griffin, M.A. (Hons.), Cantab. “The whole nation is war-mad, both high-spirited and ready for battle, but otherwise simple, though not uncultured.” – Strabo, 1st century C.E. geographer “Golden is their hair and golden their garb. They are resplendent …
Sep 24
Background – The Celts
Sep 23
European Celtic Tribes
Sep 23
Brigantia votive inscriptions – Finds and Analysis
Votive inscriptions to the Goddess Brigantia have been found in the North of England using four names: Caelestis Brigantia, Nympha Brigantia, Brigantia Augusta, and Victoria Brigantia. In this report I review what is known about them, and how this knowledge can help us understand how the Romano-British viewed the Goddess.
Sep 23