Period: Roman

Fremington Hagg

← North YorkshireSite Details:Fremington Hagg Roman Cavalry Hoard The Fremington hoard was found sometime prior to 1833 and the objects were presented to the Yorkshire museum, further items however, were later presented to the British Museum in 1880 and there has be conjecture as to if both collections were from the same, or different hoards. …

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Greta Bridge Roman Fort

The fort lies between the River Greta and the Tutta Beck, just south of their junction, while the Rom,an Road skirts its northern edge, of which vestiges still remain in the gardens of the houses there.

Roman Military Sites in Scotland

English names, Roman names where known, four figure map reference, site type, size, and history, including garrisons and associated military units.

Roman Military sites in Northern England

Roman Military sites in Northern England English names, Roman names where known, four figure map reference, site type, size, and history, including garrisons and associated military units. Where there is uncertainty over identification of an element a ? is used after the element: a ? before a Roman name means that the form of the …

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Roman Military Sites in Wales

English names, Roman names where known, four figure map reference, site type, size, and history, including garrisons and associated military units.

Roman Military sites in Central Britain

English names, Roman names where known, four figure map reference, site type, size, and history, including garrisons and associated military units.

Roman Sites in Southern Britain

English names, Roman names where known, four figure map reference, site type, size, and history, including garrisons and associated military units.

Roman Military Sites – Introduction

Britain was a province of the Roman Empire for 400 years. During that time the Roman army used over 550 sites as forts, temporary camps or depots. Some like the legionary fortresses at York and Chester were occupied for several hundred years, whilst at the other extreme some marching camps may have been used for a single night.

Southern Gaul Map

This map is from a 19c atlas of the Roman world.

Gask Ridge Map

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