Tag: archaeological

Unveiling the Archaeological Landscape of Nosterfield

Square Barrow at Nosterfield Quarry, near Thornborough Henges

The Nosterfield Quarry excavation sits at the heart of one of Britain’s most enigmatic prehistoric landscapes—the Thornborough Henges Complex.

Guide – Photography: Framing the Shot

Earthwork features from Stainton Swaledale

When photographing archaeological sites, the key to a successful shot lies not just in the technology you use but in how you frame the scene, manage lighting, and anticipate the environment. The art of capturing the best possible image is a blend of technical understanding and creative intuition.

Guide – Applying critical thinking to historic and archaeological research

Often, the key aspect of being able to make progress with regards to researching the past. Is through the application of critical thinking, when it comes to accepting common, or even given understanding and interpretations of what is being explored.

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