Period: Celtic

Statue of The Goddess Brigantia – Birrens

The Goddess Brigantia

In high relief standing in a gabled niche. The goddess Brigantia is winged, has a Gorgon’s head on her breast, and wears a plumed helmet encircled by a turreted crown. In her right hand she holds a spear, in her left a globe; to her left stands her shield, to her right an omphaloid stone. Her attributes equate her with Minerva Victrix (see Jolliffe loc. cit.). It is said that when first discovered the statuette had traces of gilding.

Southern Gaul Map

This map is from a 19c atlas of the Roman world.

Roman References

Roman References  – Roman political background to the conquest of the Brigantes Maps of Roman forts covering  and  Britain, Wales and . Maps of , and Maps of and  Gaul.

Brigantia votive inscriptions – Finds and Analysis

Votive inscriptions to the Goddess Brigantia have been found in the North of England using four names: Caelestis Brigantia, Nympha Brigantia, Brigantia Augusta, and Victoria Brigantia. In this report I review what is known about them, and how this knowledge can help us understand how the Romano-British viewed the Goddess.

Thoughts on Celtic Religion – Raimund, Karl

To begin with, lets first look at the sources available to us: There are quite numerous sources available, contrary to the usual belief that there is almost nothing actually there.

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