Author's posts
Sep 23
The Druids and Druidism
Sep 23
Celtic Religion and Beliefs
Sep 23
Celtic Festivals
Sep 23
Baal, Baalim BAAL WORSHIP But the religious customs of the Covenant people became corrupted with the religion of the Phoenician Canaanites. The Prophet Elijah’s challenge of the Hebrew priests of Baal is one of the most moving Bible accounts. (I Ki.18:18-40) The Bible indicates that at one time the majority of Hebrew priests and people …
Sep 23
Celtic Gods
Sep 23
Monmouth’s Kings of Britain
Sep 23
Sep 23
Suetonius wrote of him:
He was very handsome and most graceful at all stages of his life, although he cared nothing for any sort of refinery. He was so uninterested in how his hair was dressed that he would set several barbers to work at once in a hurry, and he would have his beard clipped at one time and shaved at another, and while the barbers were working he would read or even write something.
Sep 23