Category: Altar

Altar dedicated to Bregans and the Divinity of the Emperor

Altar dedicated to Bregans and the Divinity of the Emperor

Potentially False Altar to Brigantia – Vindolanda

Potentially false altar to Brigantia - R Tomlin

‘The goddess Brigantia.’

Altar dedicated to Victoria Brigantia – Castleford

To the goddess Victoria Brigantia Aurelius Senopianus dedicated this altar.

Altar dedicated to Nympha Brigantia – Castlesteads?

“This offering to the goddess-nymph Brigantia, which he had vowed for the welfare and safety of our Lord the Invincible Emperor Marcus Aurelius Severus Antoninus Pius Felix Augustus and of his whole Divine House, Marcus Cocceius Nigrinus, procurator of our Emperor and most devoted to his divinity and majesty, gladly, willingly, and deservedly fulfilled.”

Altar dedicated to Jupiter of Doliche, Caelestis Brigantia, and Salus – Corbridge

“To eternal Jupiter of Doliche and to Caelestis Brigantia and to Salus Gaius Julius Apolinaris, centurion of the Sixth Legion, at the command of the god (set this up).”

Altar dedicated to Brigantia – South Shields

“Sacred to the goddess Brigantia: Congennicus willingly and deservedly fulfilled his vow.”

Altar to The Goddess Brigantia – Adel

“To the goddess Brigantia, Cingetissa set up this offering.”

Altar to Brigantia – Greetland, West Yorkshire

“To the goddess Victoria Brigantia and to the Divinities of the two Emperors, Titus Aurelius Aurelianus gave and dedicated (this altar) for himself and his family, while he himself was master of sacred rites, in the third consulship of Antoninus and the [second] of Geta.”

Brigantia votive inscriptions – Finds and Analysis

Votive inscriptions to the Goddess Brigantia have been found in the North of England using four names: Caelestis Brigantia, Nympha Brigantia, Brigantia Augusta, and Victoria Brigantia. In this report I review what is known about them, and how this knowledge can help us understand how the Romano-British viewed the Goddess.

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