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Tap O’Noth, Inverurie

Tap O’Noth Grid ref: NJ 484 293 Ordnance Survey Landranger series sheet no. 37 20 miles W of Inverurie. The approach to this, the second highest fort in Scotland, involves a somewhat arduous walk from Brae of Scurdargue, approximately 1 ½ miles NW of Rhynie on A941 to Dufftown. The site crowns the conspicuous 562 …

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Dunnideer, Aberdeen

Dunnideer – Vitrified Fort Grid ref: NJ 612 281 Ordnance Survey Landranger series sheet no. 37 12 miles NW of Inverurie. Access to the group of monuments on Dunnideer Hill is by a signposted footpath from minor road from Insch to Clashindarroch Forrest about 1 mile W of Insch , off the B 992. The …

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Clickhimin, Shetland

Clickhimin Broch Location: 1 mile SW of Lerwick, Shetland. Owner: Historic Scotland This site was occupied in several periods, originally late Bronze age between 700 – 500BC. Firstly a simple farmstead which expanded to a blockhouse (fort) and then by a huge circular brock. A population of around 60 lived in this little fortress. Later, …

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Craig Phadrig, Inverness

Craig Phadrig – Vitrified Fort Region : Scottish Highlands District : Inverness Town or village : Inverness Grid Reference : NH 640 452 Period : 500 BC-AD 600 Craig Phadraig is a hilltop fort within a Forestry Commission plantation, 2.5km west of Inverness. It occupies a position with excelent views over the Beauly Firth. The …

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Vitrified Forts Distribution

Georgraphic Distribution One of the great mysteries of classical archaeology is the spartan worldwide distribution of vitrified forts with the exception of Scotland.. Scotland There are at least 50 such forts throughout Scotland. Among the most well-known are Dunnideer, Craig Phadraig (near Inverness), Abernathy (near Perth), Dun Lagaidh (in Ross), Cromarty, Arka-Unskel, Eilean na Goar, …

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Why Vitrify a Fort?

Why was it done and by whom? Practical reasons? Originally it was thought that the forts had become vitrified due to an enemy attack. A theory proposed by Childe in the 1930 thought it was that it was invaders, not the builders, who were assaulting the forts and then setting fire to the walls with …

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How to Vitrify a Fort

Vitrification of Hill Forts The Vitrification process Vitrification as seen in hillforts is where the surface of the rampart has been heated to temperature that the stone has melted and bonded with its neighboring stone. In some cases forming a glassy surface. The theoretical and limited practical attempts to recreate vitrification have largely been inconclusive, …

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Classification of Vitrified Forts

Exploration of vitrified fort classification Currently, there is a single grouping of vitrified forts, it is our contention that in reality only a few forts should be classified as such, and that analysis would be helped if this classification was further refined. In order to perform better asnalysis of vitrified forts, it will be neccesary …

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L’enigme des forts vitrifies

Mémo : RC-Forts vitrifiés (mise à jour mai 2001). L’énigme des forts vitrifiés C’est lors d’un voyage en Ecosse, au cours de l’été 1997, que nous avons entendu parler pour la première fois de forts vitrifiés. C’était au château d’Urqhart, au sud d’Inverness. Les monuments historiques fermant tôt, dans ce pays, nous ne pûmes voir …

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Vitrified Forts Gazeteer

INVENTORY OF THE FORTS VITRIFY (updated August 2000) by Roland Comte Translated from the original French version by an Internet engine – sorry! – SCOTLAND (10 sites) 1.1. Year Cnap (arran Iles) (source: site internet of the arran Iles);. 1.2. Barry Hill (Allyth, Perthshire) (” All that remains of this vitrified strong are has massive …

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