
Author's posts

Mystery of Vitrified Forts

The Mystery of Vitrified Hillforts by Roland Comte It was during a trip to.Scotland, in the Summer of 1997, that I first heard of vitrified hillforts. It was near Urqhart Castle, south of Inverness. As ancient monuments close early in that country, I could only see from a distance that impressive ruined fortress overlooking the …

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Guide – Mining Glossary

A lone researcher stands atop a hill in the Yorkshire Dales

Mining Terms Adit or Drift A tunnel driven from the surface underground or driven between seams. Used for pumping, transport, ventilation and Afterdamp Description given to the gases (noxious) remaining in a mine after an explosion, usually with a high content of Carbon Dioxide Anvil Stone In early mining activities, ores were crushed by placing …

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Guide – Bronze Age Mining

A lone researcher stands atop a hill in the Yorkshire Dales

Mining in the Bronze Age In the last twenty years or so, some thirty copper mining sites of Bronze Age date have been identified. This has allowed us to create a reasonably accurate picture of the tools and techniques used during the extraction of copper ores in this distant prehistoric period. It is only recently …

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Guide – Mining

A lone researcher stands atop a hill in the Yorkshire Dales

Guide to Mining This section illustrates the history of mining and aims to give sufficient information for a researcher to be able to recognise mining features and to be able to identify the periods of working on a site. Mine works are an extensive subject, complicated by the use of different terms for similar features, …

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Guide – GPR

A lone researcher stands atop a hill in the Yorkshire Dales

Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) is a variation on conventional radar, rather than into the air, a radio signal is directed into the soil and this is reflected by underground structural variations.

Guide – Resistivity

A lone researcher stands atop a hill in the Yorkshire Dales

Introduction to Resistivity in Archaeology Resistivity is one of the primary geophysical methods used to explore archaeological sites. By measuring the electrical resistance of the soil, resistivity surveys can help identify buried features such as walls, ditches, and foundations, even if those features are not visible from the surface. This technique works on the principle …

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Guide – Hidden Remains

A lone researcher stands atop a hill in the Yorkshire Dales

Identification of features is simplified when the full extent of remains such as earthworks, can be easily seen. However, once the roof has gone, the walls perished or robbed, the interior burnt and the wreck left to perish for hundreds of years, the remainder flattened and used as a field for crops, the job of recognition is made all the more difficult.

Guide – Visible Remains

A lone researcher stands atop a hill in the Yorkshire Dales

Visible Remains “The identity of an earthwork can be determined to a certain extent by the shape of the field marking that is left. If it is square or rectangular with rounded comers, it is highly likely that the constructors were from the Roman army. If it is an irregular quadrilateral with a gateway on …

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Guide – Glossary

A lone researcher stands atop a hill in the Yorkshire Dales

Glossary of prehistoric features This section was compiled with the help of the English Heritage NMR record. It currently includes descriptions for those Military, Domestic and Agricultural features that would have been in existence up to the Roman Period in Britain. Primary Name Alternate Name(s) Description ALTAR An elevated table or podium on which to …

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Guide – Desktop Survey

A lone researcher stands atop a hill in the Yorkshire Dales

A Guide to DIY archaeology The Desktop Search Virtually all archaeological investigations begin with a desktop search of one form or another, the term desktop search simply means the sort of research you can do from a desk. Assuming that you have read the first section of this guide, you will already know about the …

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