Tag: Iron Age

Almondbury Hill Fort

An image illustrating an article about Vitified Forts – Group Home on thealicesyndrome.com

View of Castle Hill, Almondbury, as it looks today with the Victorian tower on the top. Also Varley plan of Almondbury. Another plan of Almondbury, showing the outer ditches

Vitrified Forts

Castercliff Vitrified Hillfort

Vitrification of Hill Forts There are at least 60 vitrified hill forts, so far we have collected only a small sample, additional suggestions would be welcome. Gazetteer and Research Guide This is the output from an ongoing research discussion aimed at understanding vitrified hill forts in the British Isles, this project is still in its …

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Southern Gaul Map

This map is from a 19c atlas of the Roman world.

Celtic Warriors

Though these may seem fairly accurate, more recent interpretations of how Celtic warriors looked in the late La Tène or Iron Age period before the Claudian invasions in Gaul and Britain are available.

Thoughts on Celtic Religion – Raimund, Karl

To begin with, lets first look at the sources available to us: There are quite numerous sources available, contrary to the usual belief that there is almost nothing actually there.

The Druids and Druidism

The religion of Druidism was unlike any other belief either Celtic or Roman. The Druids were considered to be enigmatic, mystical, magical – and resented. Originally they were a tribe in Gaul, and gradually developed over the years to become wanderers in Celtic society.


In a series of annual military campaigns Agricola put down revolts in north Wales, subdued the Brigantes tribe in the north, extended Roman control over the Scottish lowlands, where he established a string of forts between the Forth and the Clyde, sent troops into Galloway, and made inroads into the eastern Highlands. During the latter campaign his vessels were the first to circumnavigate the islands.

Timeline 60BC – 138AD

This timeline is focussed on the British Celtic culture and those cultures which had influence on the British Celts. It is also more specifically focused on those activities which would have had an effect on the Brigantes tribe of Britain during the late British Iron Age.

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