Category: Brigantia

Celtic Festivals

By celebrating the natural cycle of the year through ritual, Celts attune themselves to nature and the divine that is inherent in all things. The following dates are given for the Northern Hemisphere using the modern ‘Western’ Gregorian calendar.


Baal, Baalim BAAL WORSHIP But the religious customs of the Covenant people became corrupted with the religion of the Phoenician Canaanites. The Prophet Elijah’s challenge of the Hebrew priests of Baal is one of the most moving Bible accounts. (I Ki.18:18-40) The Bible indicates that at one time the majority of Hebrew priests and people …

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Celtic Gods

Many Celtic deities seem to have been associated with aspects of nature and worshipped in sacred groves. Some appear in all Celtic areas while others have purely local significance.


Caratacus was highly influenced by the Druids, and both he and his brother Togodumnus were among the leading lights of the British anti-Roman faction, supported by the Druidical order.


Yorkshire, and much of northern Britain was also ruled by a queen, the most powerful ruler in Britain in fact. Her name was Cartimandua (c. 43 to c. 70 AD), and she ruled over an association of clans and tribes called the Brigantes.

Timeline 60BC – 138AD

This timeline is focussed on the British Celtic culture and those cultures which had influence on the British Celts. It is also more specifically focused on those activities which would have had an effect on the Brigantes tribe of Britain during the late British Iron Age.

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