Category: Iron Age

The Celts and Celtic Life

The Celts and Celtic life Introduction Before looking at the Roman invasions, it is important to set the scene and get a picture of life in Britain in the first century BC, which was a time when the country was divided into regions, each occupied by a tribe. Britain was well into the Iron Age. …

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Basics of Celtic Life

The period before the Romans arrived in Britain is clouded by incomplete facts, conjecture and conflicting opinions. This is mainly due to the lack of recorded information available. The Celtic tribes of Britain did commit their history in written form as the Celtic language did not have any written form, only oral.

History of the Celts

The Celtic Tradition History Of The Celts The Celts Part I: Their Origins & Pre-History by Nick Griffin, M.A. (Hons.), Cantab. “The whole nation is war-mad, both high-spirited and ready for battle, but otherwise simple, though not uncultured.” – Strabo, 1st century C.E. geographer “Golden is their hair and golden their garb. They are resplendent …

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Background – The Celts

The Celts (Greek ‘Keltoi’) were an Indo-European people originating in the Alps. Their first known territory was in Central Europe around 1200 BC in the upper Danube, the Alps and parts of France and southern Germany.


The Trinovantes Background to the Trinovantes Location of the tribe Essex and part of Suffolk. Background information It is possible that the Trinovantes were one of only two British tribes knew of Caesar’s intentions to cross the channel to Britain and so sent out ambassadors to the Romans in Gaul in an attempt to ensure …

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Silures Tacitus describes the Silures as a strong and warlike tribe, stubborn, with swarthy faces and curly hair. They inhabited the wooded uplands of southeastern Wales, living in hillforts and fortified settlements, and were Rome’s most determined opponents. That resistance was led by Caratacus, a British chieftan who had sought refuge with the Silures after …

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The Parisi Background to the Parisi Location of the tribe North and East Yorkshire Background information The Parisi were originally immigrants from Gaul, which is why their share their name with the tribe that occupied modern day France. As can be gathered from their name, they gave the French capital it’s name. Principal towns and …

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The Ordovices Background to the Ordovices Location of the tribe Central Wales from the coast to the Englsih border. This area is now known as Gwynedd and south Clwyd Background information The Ordovices had no self-government and wre not awarded their own Civitas capital by the Romans. During the reign of Agricola, the Ordovices were …

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The Durotriges Background to the Durotriges Location of the tribe The Durotriges occupied what is now Devon and parts of Dorset and Somerset. Principal towns and settlements in Durotriges territory Durnovaria or Dorotrioum – (Dorchester, Dorset) – The civitas capital of the Durotriges. A large walled town. Other Settlements Lindinis – (Ilchester, Somerset) – Was …

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The Dobunni Background to the Dobunni Location of the tribe The west of England, taking in Avon and part of Gloucestershire. Principal towns and settlements in Dobunni territory Corinium Dobunnorum – (Cirencester, Gloucester) – Established by the Romans at the centre of a network of local roads. At it’s height the town covered more than …

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