Category: Articles


Caratacus was highly influenced by the Druids, and both he and his brother Togodumnus were among the leading lights of the British anti-Roman faction, supported by the Druidical order.


Yorkshire, and much of northern Britain was also ruled by a queen, the most powerful ruler in Britain in fact. Her name was Cartimandua (c. 43 to c. 70 AD), and she ruled over an association of clans and tribes called the Brigantes.


In a series of annual military campaigns Agricola put down revolts in north Wales, subdued the Brigantes tribe in the north, extended Roman control over the Scottish lowlands, where he established a string of forts between the Forth and the Clyde, sent troops into Galloway, and made inroads into the eastern Highlands. During the latter campaign his vessels were the first to circumnavigate the islands.

Heads at St Michael, Kirklington

An analysis of head carvings in a local area In many churches throughout England there are carvings of possible pagan origin, others, whilst appearing to have been carved in a clearly Christian time, seem to recall pagan themes. This initial research report looks at one particular set of carvings at the Church of St Michael, …

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Timeline 60BC – 138AD

This timeline is focussed on the British Celtic culture and those cultures which had influence on the British Celts. It is also more specifically focused on those activities which would have had an effect on the Brigantes tribe of Britain during the late British Iron Age.

Celtic Heads

“Celtic” carved heads are found throughout the areas of Europe once dominated by those peoples Caesar called Celts, in the area dominated by the Iron Age Brigantes tribe (United Kingdom) more than 2000 carved heads have been identified which are thought to be of ancient origin, although the portability of many head carvings means that …

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