Category: Field Systems

Penhill Preceptory – Chapel of the Knights Templar

The history of Penhill Preceptory is closely tied to the dramatic rise and fall of the Knights Templar. The order was initially founded to protect Christian pilgrims travelling to the Holy Land, but over time, they amassed great wealth and influence, which eventually led to their downfall.

Grinton Lodge Earthworks

The earthworks that sit on the hillside between Grinton Lodge and the B6270 are part of a fascinating archaeological landscape in North Yorkshire. These features are distinct from the nearby Grinton-Fremington Dyke System, which dates back to the post-Roman period and is believed to have formed part of the boundary of an early British kingdom.

Field Systems at Reeth

The field systems at Reeth are particularly noted for their historical coaxial layout, and are characterized by long, parallel boundaries that run across the landscape, a pattern indicative of significant central organization and planning.

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