Tag: Brigantes

Celtic Industry

To look upon the tribes of Britain as just a bunch of savages is totally erroneous. Each tribe had thriving industries based on manufactured goods. Whether these goods were made in the homes of individual families, or in group workshops. The products of Celtic craftspeople were just as stunning as any Roman artefact.

Celtic Tribes

The Iron Age in Britain was a period of profound social transformation and cultural vibrancy, marked by the emergence of distinct tribal identities that would shape the island’s history for centuries to come.

Timeline 60BC – 138AD

This timeline is focussed on the British Celtic culture and those cultures which had influence on the British Celts. It is also more specifically focused on those activities which would have had an effect on the Brigantes tribe of Britain during the late British Iron Age.


Brigantes Nation is a website for people interested in researching the Ancient Tribe of the Brigantes based in Northern England. However, that primary research focus has expanded over the years to include other related topics including the very earliest of the prehistoric sites of the area, comparative studies based in order areas, vitrified forts, stone …

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