St Marys Church Wath

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Most of the present church dates back to the 13th and 14th centuries, but there is evidence of much earlier stonework in the building. The church also contains much Victorian stained glass, some interesting memorial brasses and a fine monument by the famous sculptor Flaxman.

It has two fonts – one inside the church and one outside the church!

Research note from Miguel Torrens: The font outside Wath Parish Church is noted in two reliable sources: The Victoria County History (York North Riding, vol 1, 1914): “The older font stem, apparently of no great antiquity, stands in the churchyard south of the transept; it is square in plan with much-perished moulds about the top and middle and a chamfered base. It stands on two octagonal steps or stone platforms and is covered by a modern octagonal bowl." And also in the listing entry  NGR: SE3251077144 in Historic England: "Font. Possibly C15. Sandstone. 2 tier octagonal base, square section stem with 2 bands of very worn roll mouldings. Octagonal bowl", with an accompanying illustration.

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  • #2899

      Most of the present church dates back to the 13th and 14th centuries, but there is evidence of much earlier stonework in the building. The church also contains much Victorian stained glass. It has two fonts – one inside the church and one outside the church!

      [See the full post at: St Marys Church Wath]

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