The inspiration for this work came from the author Rosemary Sutcliff and her book ‘The Eagle of the Ninth’ which she wrote in 1954. Although a fictional book it was based on a fact believed in at that time. In the 1990’s many people still refer to the Ninth as the ‘Lost Legion’; this response has caused me to question whether a legion had been lost in Roman Britain.
Category: Roman
Sep 24
Roman References
Sep 24
Celts through Roman Eyes
Sep 24
History of the Celts
The Celtic Tradition History Of The Celts The Celts Part I: Their Origins & Pre-History by Nick Griffin, M.A. (Hons.), Cantab. “The whole nation is war-mad, both high-spirited and ready for battle, but otherwise simple, though not uncultured.” – Strabo, 1st century C.E. geographer “Golden is their hair and golden their garb. They are resplendent …
Sep 24
Roman References
Roman References Ninth Legion activity in England Cerialis and Agricola – Roman political background to the conquest of the Brigantes Maps of Roman forts covering Southern and Northern Britain, Wales and Scotland. Maps of Hadrians Wall, Antonine Wall and Gask Ridge Maps of North and South Gaul. The Roman army in Britain. Gazeteer of Roman …
Sep 24
Technical Terms
Glossary of Technical Terms antefix a specially shaped imbrex fixed at the roof edge which presented a ‘face’,often with a moulded decoration, to the observer on the ground barnacle bit a toothed bit used for curbing horses. Barcariorum: The name of a unit that indicates they used barcae, 3rd century lighters or barges, possibly used …
Sep 24
Latin (Roman) Terms
Glossary of Latin (Roman) terms ala a cavalry unit usually at this period about 500 strong divided into squadrons(turmae) and commanded by a praefectus. amphora a large pottery container for transporting commodities wine, oil, fish sauce (garum) etc. to distant parts of the empire. It became a unit of liquid measure. aquila the eagle standard …
Sep 23
The Druids and Druidism
Sep 23